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Download Mod 'Maitre BMM 100' runterladen

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  1. lulu88520 14. 09 2014

    It's also because you have changed the size of the trailer, so the exactFillRootNode doesn't support to be resized

    1 Antworten

  2. mike3108 14. 09 2014

    well, i changed the size of the trailer a bit but when i slect the third body (using LEFt SHIFT + Z, my controls) and i drive next a forage harvester, the pipe turns but he is not driving. also when i drove myself the trailer won`t fill up :/

  3. lulu88520 14. 09 2014


    You must have the third body to harvest corn silage ;)

    You can switch the body using the key shift + W

  4. mike3108 14. 09 2014

    it won`t accept corn silage :/
